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Is The War On? Malware Hits Ukrainian Organizations

Great reporting by Microsoft here:

Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) has identified evidence of a destructive malware operation targeting multiple organizations in Ukraine. This malware first appeared on victim systems in Ukraine on January 13, 2022. Microsoft is aware of the ongoing geopolitical events in Ukraine and surrounding region and encourages organizations to use the information in this post to proactively protect from any malicious activity.

MSTIC assesses that the malware, which is designed to look like ransomware but lacking a ransom recovery mechanism, is intended to be destructive and designed to render targeted devices inoperable rather than to obtain a ransom.

These systems span multiple government, non-profit, and information technology organizations, all based in Ukraine.

For more see: Destructive Malware

So What: This is just one of many early moves in cyberspace to further prep the operation.

What Is Next: Since the invasion is very likely a go, expect more cyber events with far more significant impact. Then when the helicopters, tanks and troops move in expect hell to break loose.

Your Action: It is never too late to seek to assess and mitigate risks. See the OODA C-Suite Guide: Improving Cybersecurity Posture Before Russia Invades Ukraine


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