Chronology of Significant Terrorist Incidents, 1994

From: Patterns of Global Terrorism. United States Department of State, 1995.

4 January
The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) claimed responsibility for two mail bombs sent to Sinn Fein's Dublin offices.

Iranian state agents are believed responsible for the assassination of a member of the Iranian KDP Central Committee in Corum.

9 January
An armed attack was carried out against the British Embassy in Tehran. No one was injured, and no one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

10 January
A bomb detonated in front of the NATO Defense College building in Rome. That evening, copies of an eight-page Red Brigades bulletin, claiming responsibility on behalf of the "Combatant Communist Nuclei" (NCC), were found in several provinces.

11 January
A suspected Sendero Luminoso (SL) satchel bomb exploded in front of the Peruvian-Japanese cultural center in Lima, causing minimal damage to the structure.

14 January
Suspected members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) kidnapped US citizen Russell Vacek, his wife Elizabeth, and other family members as they were traveling in El Playon.

29 January
A Jordanian diplomat was shot and killed outside his home in Beirut. The Government of Lebanon arrested and prosecuted ANO terrorists for the attack.

2 February
Several bombs exploded inside railcars, killing five persons and injuring several others at the Baku train station.

3 February
A bomb detonated at the German Goethe (culture) Institute in Athens. A local newspaper received a warning a half hour before the detonation from the Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA) terrorist group.

A bomb was placed underneath the car of a Spanish Military Attache, Lt. Col. Fernando Sagristano, in Rome. The device severely injured an embassy driver.

19 February
Unknown assailants fired upon a passenger train and wounded a Polish woman, a Thai woman, and two Egyptian citizens in Asyut. The al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) claimed responsibility for the attack.

23 February
A bomb explosion aboard a passenger train in Asyut injured six foreign touristswtwo New Zealanders, two Germans, and two Australianswand five Egyptian citizens. The Islamic Group (IG) claimed responsibility for the incident.

4 March
Unknown gunmen opened fire at a Nile cruise ship and wounded a German tourist near the Sohag Governorate. The Islamic Group (IG) claimed responsibility for the incident.

Unidentified gunmen fired on a European Relief Organization vehicle and wounded two local guards near Irbil.

9-13 March
United Kingdom
The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) fired mortars at London's Heathrow International Airport in three separate attacks. There were no injuries because the fully primed mortars failed to detonate.

13 March
A grenade detonated on the British Embassy compound, causing minor damage and no injuries. No arrests or claims of responsibility were reported.

24 March
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is believed responsible for bombing the Central Bazaar in Istanbul's historic tourist district. Four tourists, including two Romanian women, were injured by the blast.

27 March
A bomb detonated in the gardens of the Saint Sophia Mosque and Museum in Istanbul, injuring three tourists: one German, one Spanish, and one Dutch. The Metropole Revenge Team of the political wing of the PKK claimed responsibility.

29 March
Six assailants fired on a United Nations guard contingency bus traveling from Irbil to Mosul and seriously wounded two Austrian guards.

1 April
Six members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) kidnapped US citizen Raymond Rising, Security Chief of the Summer Linguistic Institution, as he rode his motorcycle from the Municipal Capital of Puerto Lleras.

2 April
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) claimed responsibility for bombing the IC Bedesten, the old bazaar at the center of the bazaar complex, in Istanbul. Two foreign tourists, one Spanish and one Belgian, were killed, and 17 others were injured.

3 April
Assailants fired on a German journalist and her bodyguard while they were traveling in their car near Suleymaniyah. Both occupants of the vehicle were killed instantly.

8 April
Sri Lanka
A small bomb exploded inside a bathroom at the Marriott Hotel in Colombo, causing minor damages and no casualties.

11 April
The 17 November terrorist group claimed responsibility for planting rockets aimed at a British aircraft carrier, the Arc Royal. The rockets were defused by explosives experts.

13 April
Five individuals, including two Iraqi diplomats, were arrested for assassinating Iraqi opposition figure Shaykh Talib Ali al-Suhayl in his house near West Beirut.

27 April
South Africa
A car bomb exploded at Jan Smuts Airport in Johannesburg, injuring 16 persons, including two Russian diplomats and a Swiss Air pilot. Although no group has claimed responsibility, white separatists opposed to South Africa's first multiracial election are believed responsible.

8 May
Two French priests were shot and killed by two male assailants in the lower Casbah district of Algiers. In its weekly publication, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) claimed responsibility.

17 May
A time-detonated rocket was fired at an IBM office in downtown Athens. The 17 November terrorist group claimed responsibility in a warning call to a radio station.

29 May
At least two unknown assailants shot and killed an Iranian dissident, Seyeed Ahmad Sadr Lahijani, as he drove his car through Ghalebieh.

17 June
A driver for the Catholic Relief Services was badly beaten by Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels who ambushed the truck he was driving.

21-22 June
In the coastal towns of Fethiye and Marmaris, bombs killed one foreign national and injured 10 others at tourist sites. The PKK claimed responsibility for the attacks on German television.

22 June
Two bombs detonated within minutes of each other at a beach and park in the resort town of Marmaris, wounding 12 persons, including four British nationals, one of whom died five days later.

24 June
The Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA/1 May) claimed responsibility for a bombing outside the offices of the European Community in downtown Athens. There were no injuries reported.

4 July
A senior Turkish diplomat in Athens, Omer Sipahioglu, was killed by three gunmen as he sat in his car. "November 17vTheofilos Georgiadis Commandos" claimed responsibility for the attack.

11 July
A bomb detonated in a Lindos restaurant on the Island of Rhodes, seriously injuring an Italian tourist and a Greek citizen.

18 July
A car bomb exploded at the Israeli-Argentine Mutual Association (AMIA), killing nearly 100 persons and wounding more than 200 others. The explosion caused the seven-story building to collapse and damaged adjacent buildings.

19 July
A commuter plane exploded in flight over the Santa Rita mountains. Among the 21 victims were Israeli nationals, dual Israeli-Panamanian citizens, three US citizens, and 12 Jewish persons.

23 July
West Bank
Two unknown Palestinians stabbed and seriously injured a US woman in the Arab quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The assailants escaped unharmed.

26 July
The Khmer Rouge attacked a train traveling in Kompong Trach and kidnapped a number of passengers, among them an Australian, a Briton, and a Frenchman.

United Kingdom
A car bomb exploded at the Israeli Embassy in London, injuring 14 persons. Police said the bomb was planted by a woman who was driving an Audi.

27 July
United Kingdom
A car bomb detonated outside a building that houses Jewish organizations in London. Five persons were injured in the attack.

3 August
Five French Embassy employees were killed and one injured when guerrillas from the Armed Islamic Group (AIG) attacked a French residential compound in Algiers.

8 August
The PKK kidnapped two Finnish nationals, stating that they did not have "entry visas for Kurdistan." The Finns were held for 22 days before being released unharmed.

12 August
A bomb detonated in the Topkapi Bus Terminal, killing one Romanian consular official and wounding seven other people. The PKK is suspected.

18 August
A bomb exploded at a Santiago office building that houses the American company Fluor Daniel. The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR) claimed responsibility and stated that the incident was carried out in solidarity with Cuba and against the US economic blockade of the island.

26 August
A Portuguese priest and four nuns were kidnapped by suspected National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) rebels near Choba.

27 August
Seven South Korean engineers and 30 Filipino workers were taken captive by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

23 September
Twelve terrorists from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) kidnapped US citizen Thomas Hargrove when he stopped at a guerrilla roadblock.

27 September
Three persons were killed and two were wounded when an assailant fired on a downtown tourist area in Hurghada. Two Egyptians and one German were killed in the attack. The Islamic Group claimed responsibility for the attack.

9 October
Two Arabs armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked pedestrians in Jerusalem. The gunmen killed two persons and injured 14 others. Two US citizens were among the injured. HAMAS has claimed responsibility for the incident.

18 October
Approximately 30 members of the Armed Islamic Group (AIG) attacked an oil base, killing a French and an Italian worker.

23 October
Assailants shot and killed a British tourist and wounded three others in an attack on a bus near Luxor. The Islamic Group is believed responsible for the attack.

11 December
The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) claimed responsibility for an explosion aboard a Philippine airliner. One Japanese citizen was killed, and at least 10 others were injured.

12 December
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is believed responsible for a bomb blast outside a store in Istanbul, which injured eight persons, including four Romanian tourists.

24 December
Members of the Armed Islamic Group (AIG) hijacked an Air France flight in Algeria. The plane arrived in Marseille, France, on 26 December. A French antiterrorist unit stormed the plane, ending the 54-hour siege in which three hostages were killed by the terrorists. All four terrorists were killed during the rescue.

25 December
An American was among 12 persons injured when a HAMAS supporter carrying a bag of explosives blew himself up at a West Jerusalem bus stop.

27 December
The Armed Islamic Group (AIG) claimed responsibility for the murders of four Catholic priests. The murders were apparently in retaliation for the deaths of four GIA hijackers the previous day in Marseille.


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Last Updated: 03/16/99
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