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Home > Briefs > Cyber > Over 1500 Exposed Online Databases Wiped by “Meow” Attacker

Over 1500 Exposed Online Databases Wiped by “Meow” Attacker

Researcher Bob Diachenko discovered a new campaign consisting of 1500 online databases being wiped by an unknown attacker for no reason. The one similarity between the databases is that they were misconfigured and exposed to the public. Diachenko found a misconfigured databased belonging to a company based in Hong Kong, UFO, and notified them immediately. However, after the company secured the data, the information appeared at a different IP address.

The attacker overwrote all of the data within the database owned by the Hong Kong VPN provider, replacing them with “meow” and a string of random numbers. Researchers are calling the threat actor the “meow” attacker for this reason. It remains unclear whether the attacker has stolen the data off the misconfigured databased or if the campaign is purely destructive.

Read More: Over 1500 Exposed Online Databases Wiped by “Meow” Attacker