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The Navy’s global, federated Defensive Cyber Operation (DCO) enclave is about to get a major upgrade.  PMW 130, the Cybersecurity Program Office, recently put a Request for Information on the street to engage with industry on ideas to upgrade their Sharkcage program.  17 companies responded.

Sharkcage consists of shore sensor nodes, DCO analysis workbenches and analytic nodes.  It uses one-way passive taps in a protected, out-of-band classified environment.  Sharkcage pulls together cyber event data from multiple platforms and networks.  From this shared environment, cyber forces can work on a common, shared environment, creating integrated workflow, collaboration and analysis solutions.

The Navy uses this platform to detect, correlate and analyze nation and non-nation state attacks against maritime networks.  It gives the Navy visibility from their external boundaries down to their tactical edge (ships).  The next evolution of Sharkcage is intended to build upon these capabilities, while improving the monitoring and decision support cycles.  Future Sharkcage must also include technology insertion points to maintain the competitive edge.

This is important to the Navy!  PMW 130 was recently tasked to come up with a complete cyber platform for the new FFG(X) USS Constellation.  This is a great chance to plan something from the hull up!  This is a whole new type of ship, which would operate much like the Littoral Combat Ships – smaller, more distributed low-intensity missions.

The Navy is currently reviewing the Sharkcage RFI report.   They expect to have a Request for Proposal out by the end of the year. PMW 130 has signaled a willingness to engage with Industry until then.  Their acquisition cycle is ambitious: they plan to award a contract by the end of FY21.

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Tagged: DOD
Chris Ward

About the Author

Chris Ward

Chris Ward (Commander, U.S. Navy (Retired)) has over 30 years of experience helping the Department of Defense (DoD) solve difficult technology requirements. She has a proven track record of building, maintaining, securing and certifying technology solutions for use within DoD. She works with Industry to identify key opportunities and provides strategic guidance and support. She is a strategic analyst and cybersecurity professional who has deep expertise in improving enterprise cybersecurity.