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I never met a secret squirel (sic) that didn’t think the sky was falling. Can’t you enjoy the success?
After long, hard, and expensive struggle we’ve managed to kill a man responsible for the deaths of countless innocents. He was valuable to the insurgency, but like a Hydra there are plenty more where he came from. We are right to pat ourselves on the back, and at a respectable hour this evening I’ll be raising a toast to all my friends who are still on the job and who were involved to one extent or another.
Meanwhile due south of where everyone is cracking near-beers and puffing on counterfeit Cubans, we managed to lose a whole country. If this sounds familiar – failed state now run by radical Islamists who can train legions of Jihadists and will be a pain in our ass for years – it should: it used to be called “Afghanistan.”
I don’t pretend to understand all the heavy thinking that goes on in the heads of guys like this, but as best as I can figure this idea of reducing the number of places that can become ‘the next Afghanistan’ is an important way to ensure long term safety and stability. We’re sitting on a beach, proud of ourselves for fending off sand crabs, forgetting that we’re getting sunburned like a m*****-******. The bite of a sand crab hurts for a while, but they can’t kill you. Get a bad enough burn and your skin will erupt, you’ll pass out, and then the crabs WILL have their way with you.
Big picture people, big picture.