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. . . when ex-single-source analysts try to deal with multi-source intel:
In a screed Rolling Stone is passing off as journalism, James Bamford becomes the latest in a growing crowd of hacks to smear our friend Michael Ledeen. […]
But this [Italian documents] forgery nonsense is a sideshow compared to Bamford’s ludicrous account of Michael’s December 2001 trip to Rome . . . Bamford claims his interview with Michael marked the first time Ledeen had discussed the Rome trip. This is just silly. The trip has been recounted numerous times and in numerous places, often by Michael himself and, most recently, in a page-one article in the July 13 edition of the Wall Street Journal.
Full account at NRO.
He did a fine job with the Puzzle Palace, which leads me to believe that maybe he’s not applying his full skill set here. On the other hand, if he’s getting sloppy it must mean he’s not really into his arguments, or the good doctor slipped something into his coffee (via CQ).