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I don’t consider myself a futurist, but thinking about the future has been an essential component of my career and supports a broad range of strategic thinking in the domains of cyber and geopolitical risk, threat intelligence, and business planning.  I’ve taken to calling these future brainstorming mental models “living in the future” and the approach has been adapted into our HACKthink methodology as well to help organizations derive the essential actions needed to arrive at a future outcome.

The focus for our conference this year is “Future Proof”, so I thought it would be interesting to take a retrospective look at a blog post I wrote over 10 years ago called “We all live in the future now” to see how well the analysis stood the test of time.  If you want to explore a future-focused scenario framed for 2025 and beyond, please consider joining us on March 19 for OODAcon.

Devost’s law of exponential change

2010 Text

“Massive change becomes twice as easy every 36 months. The fuse of societal, technological, and scientific change will become increasingly shorter over time. Although change might occur more quickly (e.g easier) over time, that is not to say that some change won’t be devastatingly hard, even when occurring on a compressed time-frame.

Change will be accelerated by factors of globalization, including increased connectivity and the spread of global memes. More significantly though, by almost an evolutionary adaption that makes us more accepting of massive change. It feels like we are increasingly wired this way. Market meltdowns, mass casualty terrorism, pandemics, and rapid-paced technology adoption prepare us for living in a world where change happens on massive scales and fast.

Therefore, the more things change, the more they will change (vice the more they stay the same). Change on steroids also means that our ability to alienate is also exponentially enhanced, if not intentionally, then certainly as a result of massive change that is not universally adopted.”

2020 Analysis:

I referenced Devost’s Law of Exponential Change multiple times over the years and it holds up well, though it is hard to put a granular timeframe on it like the articulated 36 months.  Soon after this essay, we say the Flash Crash and we’ve also seen the exponential adoption of technology, especially within social media platforms (e.g. TikTok), and even this week are witnessing unprecedented change in the stock markets driven by algorithms that aren’t necessarily human explainable.  With the 2016 election, we saw the power of global memetic distribution across a wide variety of media and the rapid propagation of websites exploiting the momentum of social media feed sharing to build out fake news stories on demand.

Our lives at our fingertips

2010 Text:

“I’ve got the whole world in my hand. With the introduction of the iPhone 3GS last year, I’m able to cover about 95% of my computing needs for short periods of time (several days) using a device I keep in my pocket. In fact, 2009 marked the first time I’ve traveled without a laptop since they were introduced and I certainly didn’t miss the last 5%. The iPhone, which is a relatively new technology, was certainly a game changer and our advancements in that area will benefit from Moore’s law in the coming decade. Having purchased all three iterations of the phone, I’ve got them scattered throughout my house like tissue boxes.

It has been interesting to contrast this immediate access to information during my father’s recent holiday visit. My father, who designed chip cooling systems for IBM in the late 60’s before returning to the family logging business does not use computers. Questions like “I wonder how old Dick Clark is?”, “What year did Bobby Orr retire?” are all answerable in seconds. He was amazed at the absence of an outside thermometer at our house. The elementary school next door has a complex weather station I can tap into from my iPhone, so why bother when temp, wind speed, etc. are all immediately accessible. You can read about the 23 devices my iPhone has replaced.

I think smart-phones will further become phone-computers and we’ll have better storage and bandwidth that will make them essential equipment. The biggest improvements will be at the interface level with the introduction of motion-based gesturing, advanced voice recognition, and advanced voice response systems. There is no reason to be fumbling with multi-touch in two years and we’ll be talking to our phones (as well as on them) as our primary interaction mechanism. With the introduction of the Apple tablet in early 2010, a generation of technologists will be able to experiment with an entirely new form factor and groundbreaking interface components, so 2010 will start off with a technological bang.”

2020 Analysis:

Mostly nailed it. All the predictions game true, though it would be hard to argue that talking to our phones is the primary interaction mechanism.  That said, we now have special purpose voice response devices and the technology has advanced greatly and used by a large number of people every day.  

Ubiquitous bandwidth

2010 Text:

“Telecommunication carriers be damned, I think we are moving towards and environment of ubiquitous high speed internet access that will be delivered over fiber and wireless. When I moved into my house 6 years ago, I had to put an antenna on my roof to try and catch a wireless signal several miles up the road. Later, I invested in a T1 line with gave me 1.5mbps for $400.00/ month. Today, I’ve got fiber to the house and bandwidth of 50mbps available for $150.00/month. I often get T1 speeds over cellular networks as well.

With ubiquitous bandwidth, the lines that define where we work, play, and learn indistinguishably blend together for better or for worse. We’ll get more, pay less and that will drive innovation across lots of different platforms. I didn’t start using the term cloud computing until a few years ago and now it defines my digital existence. Most of what I care about digitally is accessible via the cloud whether it be my music collection or an essay I wrote a decade ago. With additional bandwidth our dependence on the cloud will not only increase, but we’ll all become part of the mobile cloud as well. Want to know how traffic is on the toll road? My phone should be able to tell the cloud and we’ll all be gridlinked in our gridlock.”

2020 Analysis:

The line speeds I bragged about obtaining over fiber are now common via my cellular carrier and the house has been upgraded to gigabit connectivity for a comparable cost.  We’ve gone full in on cloud computing and my phone does update me on our collective gridlock (and efficient routes around it) everyday.

Virtual worlds

2010 Text:

“Regular readers of this blog know that I’ve been watching the development of virtual worlds like Second Life very closely. Virtual worlds have become places of employment, enjoyment, and societal petri dishes for a wide-range of cultural experiments. In seeing Avatar last week I was struck by the narrative in which the main character Jake describes how he couldn’t tell which world was real and which was a dream and that his avatar world seemed like the real-world to him. Three years ago I met several people in Second Life who expressed the same feelings about the virtual world created by Linden Labs. Immersion in virtual worlds will accelerate as the worlds become more complex. The implications of this immersion are much more complex than most are willing to acknowledge and we’ll just start to touch upon them in the coming decade as they serve for the precursor to complex cultural and religious debates we will encounter should we ever achieve some sort of singularity.

I also think virtual worlds pose some interesting financial questions as well. How much is virtual property worth? For example, someone just paid $330,000.00 USD for a space station in a virtual game. That is more than most real-world houses cost. What happens if the server crashes, or worse, if the company that operates the game folds? With gaming companies have to start setting up endowments to allow for continued virtual world operation considering the extensive financial investments users are making?”

2020 Analysis:

Virtual worlds have not permeated our technology and entertainment culture as quickly as I had expected, but there have been some amazing developments with regards to immersive virtual reality headsets that will be incredibly disruptive over the next decade.  In the meantime, virtual worlds like Minecraft, Roblox and others have captured the imagination of the next generation of creators. Interestingly, we seem to have moved a bit away from persistent virtual worlds towards dynamic virtual worlds such as Fortnite, where the character is persistent, but the gaming environment is dynamic and time-limited.  It is worth noting, that our Second Life millionaires are replaced with the live gaming streamers earning seven figure incomes just by letting others watch them play. It is Jennicam meets Atari for the Millennials.  

Artificial Intelligence

2010 Text:

“I don’t think we’ll see true artificial intelligence in the next decade, but there is no reason why we won’t see significantly augmented intelligence software bots in the next five years. The first components of these augmented intelligence systems will be to help us organize, manage, retrieve and interact with our digital lives. While enhanced user interfaces will help us deal with information and communication overload, they’ll only get us so far. Why should I manually check into FourSquare when I arrive at a local bar?   I’m also ready for the day when my phone automatically dials my wife when I get in the car to head home at night (or at least asks me if I would like to call her). These will be the little steps that will drive the augintel (go ahead, the domain is available) space and we’ll soon two camps; the augs and the nonaugs walking down the street.

2020 Analysis:

We’ve seen great advances in AI over the past decade, but as predicted the technology has not been fully realized.  The Augbots are already with us in the form of Siri, Alexa, Google, Bixby, and countless other virtual assistants. Alexa is the first entity I talk to each morning “Alexa, turn off the alarm” and these Augbots are a regular part of our household and often consulted during dinner conversations and as a way to organize the family shopping list.

Geo everything

2010 Text:

“Location, location, location. There are hundreds of blog posts talking about the importance of location data in the next decade, so I won’t re-invent the wheel here. I’ll only acknowledge that I agree this is a critical area/capability and also highlight that space-time travel data is analytic super-food!”

2020 Analysis:

Location continues to be integrated into everything we do and our location habits are used to track and target us across dozens of use cases.  My watch tells me how long it will take to get to my next destination and my phone serves me up location dependent to-do items.

Display technologies

2010 Text:

“I’m less interested in the next 65″ LED display and more interested in where MyVu is in 10 years. I expect that in 10 years we’ll be talking about the personalization of display technologies as screens get embedded in eyeglasses and other head’s up displays. The MyVu glasses changed the way I travel and give me a big entertainment screen in half a pound of portable plastic and silicon. In the next decade, I do expect to wear my computer most of the time.”

2020 Analysis:

As noted above, we’ve made incredible advances in virtual display technologies and our household has an Oculus Go device that opens up a whole new realm of gaming and virtual exploration.  However, we aren’t quite to the point of wearing our computers as head’s up displays, except for a few edge use cases. I was an early adopter of Google Glass and found the technology very compelling, but it now sits in a drawer having suffered from a technology adoption and decay cycle in the just a few short years.

Security and Emerging Threats

2010 Text:

“Two primary areas of my professional expertise, terrorism and cybersecurity, will have continued prominence over the next decade.

Adversaries will be able to engage in attacks of disproportionate impact for the foreseeable future and we’ll face a multitude of complex threats for which we are not currently adequately prepared.

Mass casualty terrorism attacks will continue to be a reality in the coming decade and despite the fact that bin Laden will be captured or killed, we’ll continue to see attacks against Western targets by AQ linked adversaries. It is highly likely one of those attacks will include a weapon of mass destruction.

Self-organizing cells continue to be an emergence concern (sorry couldn’t resist the pun). While the damage a self-organizing group might be able to cause might be limited, they present an incredible law enforcement and intelligence challenge. To that end, we’ll see the re-emergence of transaction and pattern-based intelligence analysis initiatives as subject-based analysis will continue to face shortcomings in countering self-organizing groups. As big a fan as I am of the human aspect of intelligence analysis, some sort of augmentation is going to be required. The recent failed Christmas attack is probably a great example of why research and development in intelligence software is needed.

We’ll also need new tools to enhance collaboration. To that extent, it was disappointing to see two great experimental platforms shut down in 2009 (ugov and Bridge) as I was a user and supporter of both. What we need is more disruptive test-beds like these, not fewer. To that extent, I’ll continue to fund the GroupIntel Network ( which has grown to over 250 intelligence and security professionals conducting some interesting collaborative analysis.”

2020 Analysis:

We did kill bin Laden, but have luckily not experienced any WMD attacks.  Self organizing cells continue to be a problem as do issues of collaboration.  The GroupIntel Network evolved to over 500 members and now serves as the basis for the OODA Network Experts (ONE).

2010 Text:

“Cybersecurity has finally fully emerged as a legitimate national and economic security concern and will see tremendous growth (both in e-crime exploitation and counter e-crime budgets) in the next several years. We’ve seen economies of scale indicating that hundreds of millions of dollars are being made via electronic fraud activities and the lines are blurring between cybercrime and information warfare in unanticipated ways. In some instances it looks like states are viewing and utilizing cybercrime infrastructures as extensions of state power.

Unfortunately, we haven’t solved the cyber-strategy issues just yet. I look forward to working with folks like the CCSA ( and Department of Defense to address some of these deficiencies.”

2020 Analysis:

Perhaps the most prescient of the predictions, cyber has fully emerged as a new domain of warfare and the lines between cybercrime and information warfare have fully blurred.  Cybersecurity budgets saw exponential growth and unicorns like Carbon Black, Crowdstrike and a host of others went from not existing in 2010 to multi-billion dollar assets within the decade.  Later that year, in 2010, the Department of Defense issued their first official strategy on cyber, which was iterated on in 2013.

2010 Text:

“A lot of what I said about Cyber last year is still applicable this year, so rather that regurgitate it, I’ll just point you to my post entitled “The Year of Living Cyberdangerously

2020 Analysis:

Still a fun read focused 100% on cyber issues and written a full year before this 2010 essay.

2010 Text:

“Other security issues on my radar screen going into the teens include:

Mexican criminal insurgencies – My friend John Sullivan and I have been promoting some collaborative analysis of this issue for a couple of years now via the GroupIntel Network. However, the potential for increased cross-border criminal insurgency from Mexico into the United States is inevitable at this point.

Convergence – The blending of national, criminal, terrorist and other non-state gray area actors will be an issue of concern in the coming years. My interest in this area was first piqued by research done with my colleagues and friends Walter Purdy and Sebastian Junger on the Tri-border region. As it turns out the TBR is probably a good model for what we will continue to see in the future.

Decline of nation states – Not quite sure where I stand on this one yet as I see two distinct possibilities at opposite ends of the spectrum. While the science fiction fan in me observes indicators that the role of the nation-state will decline, I can also envision the rise of hyper-nationalism as well. I think we’ll observe entities at both ends of the spectrum in the next decade, but not sure which is the pervasive trend. With the significance of shadow economies and the increasing role of corporate interests in international regulation, we’ll all feel like we are living in Bruce Sterling’s world from time to time.

Homeland Security – While our homeland security apparatus continues to focus on serving the bureaucracy at the federal level, I expect that we’ll see a lot of critical homeland security issues solved at the State and Local level. Give me a DARPA style entity focused exclusively on State and Local and I’ll give you 100X better return on your security investment versus what is achieved at the federal DHS level. Several self-organizing initiatives that have suffered budgetary and political pressures (think Terrorism Early Warning Groups) will re-emerge in response to emerging security concerns from future attacks. In the past decade we’ve taught a lot of folks to fish and in the teens we’ll let them get back on the docks.”

2020 Analysis:

A hodgepodge or correct predictions in this section that served as accurate observations for the world we are living in now.


2010 Text:

“In the next decade I think the most consequential scientific issues will fall into two simple categories; genetics and space. I’m an expert in neither but fascinated by both. To that end, I hope we really start exploring space again.”

2020 Analysis:

Both fields have seen rapid innovation whether it is CRISPR or targeted DNA cancer drugs on the genetics side or re-usable rockets for space missions.  In the past decade, I’ve sampled my DNA for $99 dollars providing critical insights into health issues and we are exploring space again and going to both the moon and Mars!

My 2010 Wildcard – Gov 2.0

2010 Text:

“In the past year I’ve been very interested in the Government 2.0 movement.  I sponsored a Gov 2.0 barcamp and attended a major conference on the topic.

You rarely encounter so much passion and capability aligned towards one goal, so I’m optimistic there’s a “there” there. However, I think we going to have to see the conversations go much more granular and grassroots to see any real momentum. Also, with the move towards Gov 2.0 I’m fully cognizant of the fact we’ll likely get Gov Vista Home Professional Edition along the way as well.  It’s an acceptable risk.

I wrote a post summarizing my reaction to the Gov 2.0 Camp last March that is worth taking a look at if you are interested in the topic.”

2020 Analysis:

We’ve certainly seen new dynamics in local and national politics and some selective innovation within the Federal government with things like the White House Digital Service and other programs bringing private sector expertise to USG problems, but these initiatives have not lived up to my expectations from 2010.

Final thoughts

2010 Text:

“Someone once told me that every generation uniquely thinks they live in the most interesting and challenging times.  I think they were probably onto something.

To that extent, I certainly feel like that is the case with my generation, but it is hard to contrast with things like the introduction of international aviation or World Wars that saw the loss of millions of lives.  I do feel like we are standing on the precipice in so many interesting and scary domains that we’d better fasten our seatbelts for the next decade. I’d welcome your thoughts so let me know what you think in the comments below.

2020 Analysis:

Interesting times indeed and the decade lived up to my expectations for change and innovation in many ways.  As always, we welcome your comments but we’d especially welcome your presence at OODAcon 2020.

Matt Devost

About the Author

Matt Devost

Matthew G. Devost is the CEO & Co-Founder of OODA LLC. Matt is a technologist, entrepreneur, and international security expert specializing in counterterrorism, critical infrastructure protection, intelligence, risk management and cyber-security issues. Matt co-founded the cyber security consultancy FusionX from 2010-2017. Matt was President & CEO of the Terrorism Research Center/Total Intel from 1996-2009. For a full bio, please see