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Welcome to OODAcon 2022: Final Agenda and Event Details

The following information will help you make the most of the day.

For a full description of each session, including links to speakers and their bios, see:

For a PDF version of the OODAcon 2022 program, go to 18 Oct 2022 OODAcon Agenda.

Final Agenda


Registration Opens;
Breakfast 7:30 till 8:30


Welcome to OODAcon

Matt Devost


Keynote Conversation:  Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf

Bob Gourley


Fireside Chat – Disruptive Futures: Digital Self-Sovereignty, Blockchain, and AI

Karl Schroeder

Matt Devost


Future of Money

Raymond Roberts


Networking Break


Future Wars: Beyond Cyberconflict

Josh Work

John Robb



Tomorrowland – Global Threat Brief

Bob Gourley

Johnny Sawyer


Swimming with Black Swans: Innovation in an Age of Rapid Disruption

Dawn Meyerriecks


The Future Hasn’t Arrived: Identifying the Next Generation of Technology Requirements

Neal Pollard

Bobbie Stempfley

Bill Spalding


Postponing the Apocalypse:  Funding the Next Generation of Innovation

Matt O’Connell

Zach Beecher


Networking Break


Open the Pod Bay Door – Resetting the Clock on Artificial Intelligence

Lewis Shepherd

Sean Gourley

Mike Capps


Twenty Years of Cyber Threat Intel

Jen Haverman

Matt Devost


Closing Keynote:  Will Hurd

Will Hurd

Jen Hoar

5:00 – 8:00

Happy Hour Reception

Event Details

OODAcon will be held in the Regency Ballroom on the first level of the Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner.  We have you registered and will have a name badge waiting for you at a reception desk in the lobby outside the event space. Please pick up your badge at 0730 and then join us for networking over coffee and a light breakfast until the event starts at 0830.

There is no dress code for the event.  Most attendees will likely be business casual.

Plan to stay late as we will have an excellent networking reception with the MissionLink Next alumni group immediately after the conference.

If you would like to provide your thoughts on the event via social media please use the hashtag #OODAcon so others can more quickly find your comments. You can also submit questions to speakers by using that hashtag.

If you have not already done so, please sign up for the OODA Daily Pulse at:

This daily report provides continuous updates on matters like those we are dealing with at OODAcon, including geopolitical risk, the impact of exponential technology, and optimal business strategies to survive and thrive in a world of exponential innovation.

Thanks and on behalf of Matt and the entire OODA team we look forward to our time together today with the OODA Community.

We also have some incredibly amazing sponsors, including Carahsoft, who has been absolutely instrumental in helping us pull this together.