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Tuesday 18 July at 4pm Eastern four very experienced national security and intelligence professionals joined in a discussion of the future of intelligence and security informed by last week’s INSA and AFCEA Intelligence Summit. 

Heather McMahon, Johnny Sawyer, Larry Pfeiffer and Bob Gourley were all there engaging with various discussions that dove deep into topics of geopolitical intelligence, cybersecurity, and technology risk.

This OODA Salon will discuss what was learned and provide insights into the future environment government and business leaders should be preparing for.

To watch the discussion see:

Tagged: Cybersecurity
Bob Gourley

About the Author

Bob Gourley

Bob Gourley is an experienced Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Board Qualified Technical Executive (QTE), author and entrepreneur with extensive past performance in enterprise IT, corporate cybersecurity and data analytics. CTO of OODA LLC, a unique team of international experts which provide board advisory and cybersecurity consulting services. OODA publishes Bob has been an advisor to dozens of successful high tech startups and has conducted enterprise cybersecurity assessments for businesses in multiple sectors of the economy. He was a career Naval Intelligence Officer and is the former CTO of the Defense Intelligence Agency.