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In previous posts in this series (see the OODA Special Report: Executive’s Guide To the Revolution in Biology and Bioengineering, Health and Business) we reviewed foundational knowledge on bioengineering we recommend all business leaders possess and major topics that will impact the healthcare industry. In this post we go beyond healthcare to examine topics around application of biological sciences to other industries.

Bioengineering is touching many other fields now and has been applied to outcomes like production of bioplastics, biolubricants and other chemicals, production of pharmaceuticals, improving agriculture, bioremediation to clean up polluted soil and water, and methods to aid in extraction of rare earth elements from ore.

Topics we recommend business leaders track include:

  • Bioengineering for Material Production
  • Integrating Biotech and Computing
  • Enhancing Warfighter Performance
  • Bioscience in Space
  • Applying Bioengineering to Agriculture
  • Bioremediation: Improving the environment
  • Bioengineering and Mineral Extraction/Mining
  • Biology, Bioengineering and the Surveillance State

Bioengineering for Production of Materials

The field of biosciences is making significant contributions to the production of materials, leveraging advancements in areas like synthetic biology, gene therapy, and regenerative medicine. These innovations are not only transforming healthcare but also emerging as a key player in the bioeconomy, poised to disrupt various industry sectors with new products and services.

Results of this tinkering with mother nature include new ways to produce biofuels, bio-products, renewable chemicals, bio-based speciality chemicals (pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals, food ingredients) and many other real world results.

Groundbreaking advancements in genetic engineering, such as CRISPR gene-editing, are at the forefront of these developments. They have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach health concerns and are also seen as crucial in creating various products, making biology a potent platform for distributed manufacturing. The concept of biology as a distributed manufacturing platform involves using DNA and RNA to create bioengineered materials, applicable in new and existing markets and industry sectors. This approach is already being integrated into the economy, and eventually will hold significant implications for industries including manufacturing, supply chain, and food sources​​.

Integrating Biotech and Computing

Biotechnology is increasingly intersecting with fields like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, offering innovative solutions but also posing challenges in terms of intellectual property protection and supply chain adaptability. The integration of biology with computing architecture is expected to drive further business model innovations and create value propositions uniquely tailored to the needs of this emerging sector​​. A key example is the rapidly evolving human machine interface developments including the rise of Brain Machine Interface (BMI) technologies.

Enhancing Warfighter Performance

In the defense sector, biotechnologies are being researched for their potential in enhancing warfighter performance, understanding cognitive mechanisms, and leveraging the human microbiome for performance augmentation. These technologies are expected to introduce new materials, sensors, and therapeutics with military applications, potentially transforming defense capabilities.

Bioscience in Space

Manufacturing pharmaceuticals in space has been the objective of decades of research including experiments and manufacturing devices launched to the International Space Station. There are many ongoing investigations and projects on this funded by commercial enterprises, NASA and DARPA. For example, DARPA’s B-SURE project explores the microbial utilization of space-based feedstocks and the optimization of microbial growth in variable gravities. This research holds the potential to sustainably produce molecules and materials and reduce reliance on traditional chemical synthesis​​.

Improving Agriculture

Modern biological science is significantly transforming agriculture, leading to enhanced food production.

Agricultural biotechnology, considered as “the first genomic industry,” is a key component in this transformation. In ancient times it was focused on selective breeding. Today it relies on bioengineering to develop more resilient, nutritious, and higher-yielding crop varieties and livestock​. These new biotechnology approaches to agriculture are not just increasing yields, but doing so with less use of chemicals, less pollution and at times lower costs.

One notable example of technology-driven agricultural innovation is the work of Dimitra, a global agtech company. Dimitra is harnessing the power of AI, blockchain, and IoT to provide technology solutions to millions of farmers worldwide. Their focus is on sustainable agriculture and transforming subsistence farming into profitable businesses. This includes introducing practices like cover cropping, crop rotation, and mutualism to improve biodiversity and soil quality. The company is also employing machine learning and AI for crop modeling and soil health management. Additionally, Dimitra’s platform offers mobile access to information on pests, diseases, weather conditions, and market prices, aiding farmers in making informed decisions. The integration of blockchain technology in their platform enhances data traceability, transparency, and security, which is crucial for developing a fair and efficient agricultural economy​​.


Bioremediation, a process that relies on biological mechanisms to reduce, detoxify, or transform pollutants, has become an increasingly important method for environmental cleanup and waste management. This eco-friendly and cost-effective technique mainly involves the use of microorganisms – bacteria, fungi, or algae – to degrade, contain, or transform various contaminants.

Microorganisms possess diverse metabolic capabilities that enable them to break down a wide range of organic pollutants, including hydrocarbons, pesticides, and heavy metals. The process can occur naturally (natural attenuation or intrinsic bioremediation) or can be stimulated by adding nutrients or other amendments (biostimulation) or by adding specific strains of microorganisms (bioaugmentation).

One significant advantage of bioremediation is its ability to treat contaminants in situ, meaning the pollutants are treated at the site of contamination without the need to excavate soil or pump groundwater. This reduces the risk of spreading contaminants and is often less disruptive to the environment. In situ bioremediation methods include bioventing, biosparging, and phytoremediation, the latter involving the use of plants and their associated microorganisms.

In contrast, ex situ bioremediation involves the removal of contaminated material to be treated elsewhere. Techniques include landfarming, biopiles, and composting. These methods require the excavation of contaminated soil, which is then treated in a controlled environment where conditions are optimized for microbial activity.

Researchers have developed methods using engineered microbial synthesis to degrade or recycle plastics like polyethylene into commercially viable products, providing a significant environmental benefit​​.

Recent advances in molecular biology and genomics have further enhanced the effectiveness of bioremediation. Genetic engineering can be used to create super strains of microbes with enhanced degradative capabilities. Researchers are also exploring the use of nanotechnology to improve the delivery and efficiency of bioremediation processes.

Bioengineering and Mineral Extraction/Mining

Biosciences contribute significantly to the mining and extraction of minerals from ores through a process known as biomining. Biomining is a biotechnological application that utilizes biological systems, primarily microorganisms, to facilitate the extraction and recovery of metals from ores and waste materials.

In biomining, microorganisms are used to leach metals from ore. This is particularly effective for low-grade ores, where traditional mining methods might be uneconomical. The microorganisms facilitate the breakdown of the mineral ore, thereby releasing the metals. This process had been used in the extraction of copper, gold, and uranium. Biomining processes include bioleaching, where the desired metal is solubilized and can be recovered from the solution, and biooxidation, used in gold mining to treat refractory ores where gold is locked in sulfide minerals.

Biomining has several advantages over conventional mining methods. It is generally more cost-effective, especially for low-grade ores, and has a lower environmental impact. The process can be carried out at ambient temperatures and pressures, reducing energy requirements. Additionally, it offers a solution for dealing with mine tailings and waste, contributing to more sustainable mining practices.

Biology, Bioengineering and the Surveillance State

DNA is now being used by just about every government. This trend started with the success of DNA testing in law enforcement. This then gave rise to DNA databases that can be used to solve crimes and exonerate the falsely convicted. Both of those powerful use cases set off waves of innovation that led to databasing for a wide range of other uses including for medical research, ancestor research and for hobbyists seeking to know more about themselves. Genetic databases are also being used by authoritarian nations in ways that sound like frightening SciFi.

Many nations have already established genetic databases and some are collecting DNA on all their citizens and travelers to or through their borders. Both open and closed societies are moving in this direction (The EU has voted to establish a biometric repository known as the Common Identity Repository (CIR)). There are also commercial repositories being established for consumer use that will end up providing data to large corporations and governments. We have to assume that one day soon there will be genetic data available on every human. Society will have to establish rules on how that genetic data is treated, since violations of the privacy of what that genetic data says is a violation of privacy not only for the individual concerned, but for every family member living and not yet born.

Concluding Context

The next post in this series on the business impact of bioengineering will focus on recent news which can inform your strategic decision-making.

Related Technology Trends

Technology Convergence and Market Disruption: Rapid advancements in technology are changing market dynamics and user expectations. See: Disruptive and Exponential Technologies.

The New Tech Trinity: Artificial Intelligence, BioTech, Quantum Tech: Will make monumental shifts in the world. This new Tech Trinity will redefine our economy, both threaten and fortify our national security, and revolutionize our intelligence community. None of us are ready for this. This convergence requires a deepened commitment to foresight and preparation and planning on a level that is not occurring anywhere. The New Tech Trinity.

The Revolution in Biology: This post provides an overview of key thrusts of the transformation underway in biology and offers seven topics business leaders should consider when updating business strategy to optimize opportunity because of these changes. For more see:  The Executive’s Guide To The Revolution in Biology

Quantum Computing and Quantum Sensemaking: Quantum Computing, Quantum Security and Quantum Sensing insights to drive your decision-making process. Quantum Computing and Quantum Security

AI Discipline Interdependence: There are concerns about uncontrolled AI growth, with many experts calling for robust AI governance. Both positive and negative impacts of AI need assessment. See: Using AI for Competitive Advantage in Business.

Tagged: Bioengineering
Bob Gourley

About the Author

Bob Gourley

Bob Gourley is an experienced Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Board Qualified Technical Executive (QTE), author and entrepreneur with extensive past performance in enterprise IT, corporate cybersecurity and data analytics. CTO of OODA LLC, a unique team of international experts which provide board advisory and cybersecurity consulting services. OODA publishes Bob has been an advisor to dozens of successful high tech startups and has conducted enterprise cybersecurity assessments for businesses in multiple sectors of the economy. He was a career Naval Intelligence Officer and is the former CTO of the Defense Intelligence Agency.