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Alex Olesker

Alex Olesker is a Technology Research Analyst at Crucial Point LLC that specializes in science, technology, and security. He has experience working with law enforcement, private intelligence, multi-national corporations, and academia, and has written and lectured on terrorism, international security, infrastructure protection, investigations, intelligence, policing, cybersecurity, and analytics. Alex graduated from Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.

The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Crisis

[caption id="attachment_7622" align="alignleft" width="336"] via the Wikimedia Commons[/caption] Known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, there isn't much on these five uninhabited islands between China, Taiwan, and Japan besides goats and strife. Recent disputes ...


The Pussy Riot Case Was A Victory for Putin

On Friday, August 17, three members of a Russian feminist punk rock band were sentenced to two years in prison for singing an anti-Putin song at Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior. They were found guilty of hooliganism ...
