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Brian Michael Jenkins

The world’s leading authority on terrorism & sophisticated crime, Brian Michael Jenkins serves as the Senior Advisor to the President of the RAND Corporation. He is also the Director of the National Transportation Security Center at the Mineta Transportation Institute. From 1989 to 1998, Mr. Jenkins was the Deputy Chairman of Kroll Associates, an international investigative and consulting firm. Responsible for the firm’s crisis management practice, he directed the responses to kidnapping and extortion cases worldwide. Before that, he was Chairman of RAND’s Political Science Department where, from 1972 to 1989, he also directed RAND’s research on political violence.

Intelligence, Afghanistan, and Hedging Bets

I am a member of OODA Loop. The few discussions that I have been able to listen to thus far were extremely informative, especially the most recent one on Afghanistan and intelligence issues.  It prompted ...


Cyberterrorism and the role of Silicon Valley

"As national security and war are being redefined for the digital age, Silicon Valley will need to be on the front line of counterterrorism. Its inventors and entrepreneurs are driving the information revolution, and they must ...


Brian Michael Jenkins on 40 Years of Terrorism

Brian Michael Jenkins provides perspective from 40 years of countering terrorism. "Terrorism is violence or the threat of violence that’s calculated to create an atmosphere of fear and alarm that will cause people to exaggerate the ...


The Devourers – Al-Baghdadi and The Islamic State

"ISIS is an ‘imminent threat to every interest we have,’ warned Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. ‘This is beyond anything we’ve seen. We must prepare for everything.’ In an article appearing in The Hill, long-time ...
