"Q-Day" is a scenario where "no more secrets" becomes a reality, as previously secure communications and data could be vulnerable to decryption by entities wielding quantum computational power (also known as "Quantum Supremacy"). Find a ...
Regular readers of the OODA Loop know that we cover exponential technologies daily and we expect disproportionate disruption when these technologies start to converge. In this post, we explore AI + an expanded working definition ...
With Vladamir Putin's "landslide" victory in the Russian Presidential election in the rearview mirror (the victory extends Putin's autocratic rule through 2030, which will be his 18th year as president), we provide some situational awareness ...
In this, the fifth installment in our "Dispatches from the Ministry for the Future" series, we take the time to do more of a deep dive into the speculative fiction/science fiction novel that inspired this ...
Every year, we make a point of returning to a few social psychology, organizational behavior, and human behavioral psychology factors, namely how your organization should integrate the threat of human targeting and social engineering into your ...
A new report from the Africa Center for Strategic Studies found that "disinformation campaigns seeking to manipulate African information systems have surged nearly fourfold since 2022, triggering destabilizing and antidemocratic consequences." Find a summary and ...
The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (made into law in December 2022) included some specific military-related cybersecurity provisions, including a required study of cybersecurity and national security threats posed by foreign-manufactured cranes at United States ...
At the March 2024 OODA Network Member Meeting – which was held on Friday, March 15, 2024 - Four categories were discussed as framing for the discussion: The speed with which artificial intelligence changes are ...
Back in March 2023, we provided an analysis of "Undersea Telecommunications Cables and the Seabed as Geopolitical Contested Arenas" which, at the time, we framed relative to a great power competition with China: "Along with Africa and ...
The concept of network swarms, particularly in the context of modern conflict and security, represents a fascinating and somewhat disorientating evolution in the dynamics of warfare and strategic operations. The implications of swarm intelligence also ...