Two recently declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reports extensively detail the Iranian-backed drone capabilities fueling the reconfiguration of global warfare into a drone swarm architecture - fueling what John Robb has framed as the future: ...
As an OODAcon 2023 panelist noted: We are fast approaching a “tipping point” – when non-human generated content will vastly outnumber the amount of human generated content. A general quantitative validation has also been floating ...
The Hudson Institute report on "Risking Apocalypse? Quantum Computers and the US Power Grid" highlights the significant threat posed by potential quantum computer attacks on the US power grid. It emphasizes the vulnerability of the ...
Every year, we also use one of our monthly meetings for a discussion of the annual OODA Almanac with the OODA Network. This conversation took place at the February 2024 OODA Network Member Meeting – ...
Google Security Engineering and The Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute in collaboration with OpenAI have sorted through the hype - and done some serious thinking and formal research on developing "better approaches for evaluating ...
Conspicuous, controversial and notorious is the Chinese unwillingness to participate in global benchmarking list of the world's most powerful supercomputers. So, the "top 500" list goes out - with the U.S. on top. The lack ...
We have been very vocal boosters of CISA, the efforts of CISA leadership, and since its inception, the work of the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC). And we continue in our support of both organizations. ...
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is best in class research and analysis, judged against both public or private sector standards. In a recent report, the CRS broke down the vital questions U.S. policymakers need to ...
We take a look at the recently released Federal Reserve Board 2024 bank stress test scenarios, with an eye towards just how sensitive the stress tests are to disruptions and uncertainties created by exponential technologies ...
Competing cyber capabilities (on a spectrum from nation-state to non-state actors alike) and cyber-based conflict will continue to restructure, reformulate, and transform the very essence of what power, prestige, international governance, and geopolitical strategy are ...