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Daniel Pereira

Daniel Pereira is research director at OODA. He is a foresight strategist, creative technologist, and an information communication technology (ICT) and digital media researcher with 20+ years of experience directing public/private partnerships and strategic innovation initiatives.

The Space Economy in 2024

The near term opportunities and risks of the space economy and Space Force, innovation, and national security were discussed at length at OODAcon 2023. We return here to the two panels from the conference and ...


What is the Defense Industrial Base Consortium?

The Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) vehicle was also used recently by the Department of Defense (DoD) to award Advanced Technology International (ATI) "to serve as the consortium manager for the Defense Industrial Base Consortium (DIBC). ...


What is the Space Development Agency’s Tracking Layer?

The future "architecture of space" will be distributed across a broad vision, inspired by science fiction, of what space can and will be in the future.  Government agency-led contributions to this "architecture of space" will ...
