Recent restrictions on rice exports by India prompt this analysis of the on the ground conditions of global food insecurity, returning to some of the themes we explored in The Future of Food (In)Security and ...
According to the Robot Report, The International Federation of Robotics recently "noted that the stock of operational robots around the world attained a new record of about 3.9 million units in 2022. The average robot density, ...
Consistent with our recent analysis of government regulation (or overregulation?) of AI, and the introduction of the concept of the "decontrol" of AI, the recent launch of the AI Safety Institute (organized as a public/private ...
The near term opportunities and risks of the space economy and Space Force, innovation, and national security were discussed at length at OODAcon 2023. We return here to the two panels from the conference and ...
Various perspectives - on Latin American nearshoring and Indo-Pacific "friendshoring" with allied nations in an effort to secure and shorten global supply chains - as well as the emergence of "China +1" - four emergent ...
The Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) vehicle was also used recently by the Department of Defense (DoD) to award Advanced Technology International (ATI) "to serve as the consortium manager for the Defense Industrial Base Consortium (DIBC). ...
The Department of Defense (DoD) launched the Distributed Bioindustrial Manufacturing Investment Program (DBMIP) Which seeks "to strengthen domestic supply chains and sustain America's global prominence in biotechnology. The DBMIP will execute investments through the Defense ...
The future "architecture of space" will be distributed across a broad vision, inspired by science fiction, of what space can and will be in the future. Government agency-led contributions to this "architecture of space" will ...
RAND researchers in a recently released report explore biology as the platform on which future wars will be fought. Plagues, Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers: The Human Domain of War "examines a future in which biotechnology is ...
The first OODA Network Member Meeting of 2024 was held on Friday January 19, 2024. The meeting was organized around an initial prompt question: "What should we be thinking about in 2024?" The meeting aimed ...