If Latinos living in the United States were an independent country, the U.S. Latino GDP would be the fifth largest GDP in the world, larger than the GDPs of India, the United Kingdom, or France. ...
AI use cases are starting to emerge (that transcend the "AI for Enterprise" marketplace) and illuminate the promise of artificial intelligence to solve tough societal problems. The California Policy Lab and the University of Chicago ...
To better understand how the CHIPS and Science Act can promote regional economic growth and innovation, The Center for Strategic and International Studies' (CSIS) Renewing American Innovation Project held an all day conference earlier this ...
The September OODA Network Monthly Meeting was held on Friday, September 15, 2023. The OODA Network was joined at this month's meeting by Dan Madden from Squadra Ventures. Dan discussed with the network a report ...
The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) and State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP) have just released a report analyzing the evolution of cyber tactics, objectives, and capacities of ...
Swatting is a dangerous and illegal hoax or prank in which someone falsely reports a critical incident to law enforcement, with the intention of causing a heavily armed police or SWAT team to respond to ...
In the shadow of the recent MGM Cyberattack (and other recent ransomware attacks in U.S. and in the Pacific Islands), cyber defense is in the spotlight. Specifically, what role should corporate boards play in human ...
OODA CEO Matt Devost and Raymond Roberts, in a fireside chat on The Future of Money at OODAcon 2022, began with a discussion of origins of their interest in bitcoin, the history of money and the ...
According to the customer development, lean startup model, a firm grasp on "market type" (i.e. creating a new market or entering an existing market) is central to any startup companies success or incumbent companies efforts ...
Trust - between individuals, governents and corporations, machines and technology platforms - is both under attack and undergoing a fundamental transformation. The Atlantic Council's frames these issue as the "Economy of Trust" - which will ...