OODA Network Member Congressman Will Hurd will be in New Hampshire visiting the Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth University speaking at their "Path to the Presidency'' forum. The discussion will focus on a range of topics, ...
"As cyberattacks intensify, more and more organizations recognize the need to have a strong security culture for all employees. This cyber-aware workforce is a necessary addition to a skilled and knowledgeable security team and the ...
Russia has notified Turkey, Ukraine and the UN that it will not renew a deal that allowed Ukraine to export grain through the Black Sea. Ukrainian wheat production plays a significant role in global food ...
In the months before the recent 2023 NATO Summit in Lithiuania, the NATO's Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) opened its European regional office at the Imperial College London Innovation Hub in London ...
This project is fully operational, but had to start as a rigorous speculative design process – more sci-fi than real world. Until it wasn't. It is representative of the kind of project that will still ...
The National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NCCC) is an organization housed within the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and, based on the USAID logo on the front page of some of its reports, sponsored ...
AI has crushed cryptocurrency in the recent technology hype cycle, garnering VC and mainstream media attention fast on the heels FTX Sam Bankman-Fried debacle which tarnished the entire crpytocurrency ecosystem. What is going on with ...
Tactically, China recently made a significant geopoltical and in the IT supply chain move, restricting exports of two minerals used in high-performance chips. Following is a summary of the new Chinese policy - followed by ...
Like the Unix, Solaris, Irix, AIX Open Source operating systems that became the Linux-led open source operating system and the broader open source software movement (over a 30 to 40 year time period) the open ...
Midway through 2023 - and the scale, volume and frequency of ransomware cyber incidents are setting off alerts left and right in our risk awareness and sensemaking research efforts. In this post, we spend some ...