OODA CEO Matt Devost featured the advent of adversarial machine learning in his keynote at OODAcon 2022. In recent conversations with OODA Senior Advisor and Network Member Chris Ward, we discussed the challenges inherent in ...
A shout-out and a thank you to the Ontario, Canada-based Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) and the authors of this research. BRI allows for the distribution of a high percentage of its blockchain research of really ...
Bellingcat, aided by satellite imagery service Planet, and CNN, with imagery from Maxar Technologies, both provide evidence that Russia continues to steal grain shipments from Ukraine - rerouting the food shipments through Crimean ports.
Since the ...
Over the last 18 months, we have been tracking a growing community of venture capital firms committed to National Security Investment for American Competitiveness (including Schmidt Futures, America's Frontier Fund, and Thomas Tull). Marc Andreesen's ...
A recent Supreme Court ruling in the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith et. al. case will have broad implications for the generative AI platform architectures pushing the boundaries of copyright ...
OODA hosts a monthly video call to help members optimize opportunities and reduce risk to discuss items of common interest to our membership. These highly collaborative sessions are always a great way for our members ...
This weekend, we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom. In November of last year, OODA Network Member Brian Jenkins spoke to the OODA Network Member membership on the threat posed ...
The United States remains in a heightened threat environment. Lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland. ...
Of the industry sectors exploring Blockchain technologies the Financial Services sector (Banking & Capital Markets, Insurance, Investment Management - including Real Estate and Digital Assets/NFTs) seems to have the most activity-based simply on the sheer ...
Along with Africa and the Arctic, add the growing tensions between the U.S. and China about undersea cable deployment and seabed warfare to your geopolitical tracking, risk awareness, and strategic impacts for your business or ...