As mentioned in our weekly OODA Member Network Dispatch, OODA and Katzcy are hosting an invite-only quantum networking event for the evening of 26 January in Reston VA (Thanks to both Quintessence Labs and the ...
The Biden administration debuted a new power yesterday for fighting Russian cybercrime and rolled out the first major public move of a new government team devoted to battling the illicit use of cryptocurrency. Both steps ...
In July of last year, we followed up on OODA CTO Bob Gourley's analysis of the Blueprint for a Blue Ocean with the question What Exactly is the PRC up to in the Arctic? ...
OODA Network Member and Senior Advisor at the Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) will be leading off the January 2023 OODA Network Member meeting at the end of this week. ...
OODA CEO Matt Devost was interviewed by Brooke Gladstone for a segment on WNYC's On the Media this weekend in a segment from the January 13th show, It’s a Machine’s World. Listen to the ...
Last year, the State Department launched a new cybersecurity bureau, designed to enhance digital diplomacy and online standards around the world. Nate Fick is the first person to lead the new Bureau as the ...
The National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act became Public Law in December 2018 to accelerate American leadership in quantum information science and technology. This is the third Annual Report on the NQI Program, as required by the NQI ...
In the midst of the ChatGPT news frenzy, OpenAI released POINT-E, which extends the implications everyone is trying to sort out about the capabilities of ChatGPT into the 3-D realm - and which may ...
In December, we covered the run-up to the signing into law of the Quantum Cybersecurity Preparedness Act. The actual signing was in late December and was included in the OODA Loop News Brief on December ...
TikTok was in the news over the holiday break. To insure our readership did not miss the critical learnings about the potential threat posed by the pervasive use of TikTok by the American public, we ...