A month ago, we provided an analyst of two incidents in the Ukrainian conflict that occurred on the same day (Friday, January 14th): the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) takedown of the REvil Ransomware Gang ...
As always, we use discretion in our curation and posting of US-CERT announcements. But we always prioritize Joint CSAs from the Five Eyes or domestic U.S. joint intelligence collaborations. The larger efforts only put out ...
This post is an effort to follow up on a conversation from The December 2021 OODA Network Member Meeting regarding "The Security Community: Communication Style, Public Relations, Outreach Efforts, and Workforce Skills" (which came up ...
The OODA Loop Research Team has been tracking the impact on supply chains from the onset of the pandemic.
Throughout the Mueller investigation, many subject matter experts (who felt the whole investigation to be a bit myopic) encouraged us to not miss the role Chinese, North Korean, and Iranian influence campaigns were playing (in ...
The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) was established at the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and given responsibility for integrating government analysis, strategic planning, and information-sharing with state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal partners. For the ...
For better or for worse, Large Language Models (LLMs) - used for natural language processing by commercial AI Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) subscription offerings - have become one of the first “big data” applied technologies to become ...
We continue our effort to underscore certain patterns and themes found throughout the OODAcast library of over 80 conversations with leaders and decision-makers.
In January 2021, OODA CEO Matt Devost interviewed Camila Russo, author of ...
Consistent with our analysis back in November '21 - Cybersecurity and Cyber Incidents: Innovation and Design Lessons from Aviation Safety Models and a Call for a “Cyber NTSB” - the DHS has now established ...
We strongly encourage OODA Loop subscribers to continue to prioritize tools for clear decision-making while operating in a low information environment. It is this 'tightening your OODA Loop' we want to reinforce now as we ...