It has been another interesting and dynamic year on the security and intelligence front and OODA Loop was there to cover it all. The following list is comprised of the Top 10 Sensemaking and Member ...
The Five Eyes intelligence allies - government agencies in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand - issued a joint Cybersecurity advisory (CSA) days before the Christmas holiday, offering guidance for the ...
To help members optimize opportunities and reduce risk, OODA hosts a monthly video call to discuss items of common interest to our membership. These highly collaborative sessions are always a great way for our members ...
Part II of the Center for Security and Emerging Technologies (CSET) series is available which “examines how AI/ML technologies may shape future disinformation campaigns and offers recommendations for how to mitigate them.” We offered ...
In response to the SolarWinds Orion and Hafnium Microsoft Exchange breaches, the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Cyber, held a hearing on April 14th. Entitled "Future Cybersecurity Architectures". The specific breaches were ...
Ukraine may be the Gray-zone in the headlines right now, but Taiwan is the more significant strategic hybrid warfare battlefield, in no small part due to its global leadership in semiconductor manufacturing. Considering the hype ...
The Commissioner on the Information Disorder Final Report opens by clearly sounding an alarm: "Information disorder is a crisis that exacerbates all other crises. When bad information becomes as prevalent, persuasive, and persistent as ...
Relative to other cyber incidents in the last few months, Log4j is proving severely problematic. If you are in the middle of your impact and mitigation assessment, hands down the most important resource available ...
While Europe and Russia may appear to be on the brink of conventional warfare breaking out, we are really in a gray zone of Putin's design. If you are tracking the events in Europe with ...
In the first meeting of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) new Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, CISA Director Jen Easterly made clear to the committee members their working model would be action-based, not the usual ...