A False Sense of Insecurity?
There is something unseemly about breaking the risk of terrorism down into a numbers game, but when you have to make decisions about finite funds and resources there is no avoiding it. Having said that ...
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There is something unseemly about breaking the risk of terrorism down into a numbers game, but when you have to make decisions about finite funds and resources there is no avoiding it. Having said that ...
A very readable piece on reform, arguing for more centralization wrt CT issues, in Foreign Policy: Policymakers' perceptions of intelligence also posed a problem. “There still is widespread misunderstanding of what intelligence is, how it is ...
The intrepid Siobhan Gorman strikes again: The National Security Agency is running out of juice. The demand for electricity to operate its expanding intelligence systems has left the high-tech eavesdropping agency on the verge of exceeding its ...
The process is so shrouded in secrecy that one member of Congress … said he did not even know lawmakers were allowed to read the classified sections of the bills. “How in the world do you ...
Robb: where does he find these things? Open source cooperative efforts are constantly emerging in response to real human need (Katrina and the SE Asian Tsunami are recent extreme examples). Unfortunately, the knowledge and capabilities (the ...
Ah, the joy of the annual call from the left coast by the fresh faces and open minds looking for insight and wisdom from the cantankerous little swamp-dweller who takes liberties with the language (no, ...
CT blog post about language deficiencies at State is a variation on the theme we’ve been hearing for years in the IC and military. Frankly there is no excuse for this at this stage of ...
Then: Iran admitted for the first time on Friday that it did indeed supply long-range Zelzal-2 missiles to Hizbullah. and now: Iran will supply Hezbollah with surface-to-air missile systems in the coming months, boosting the guerrillas' defences ...
A great series of articles (only minor quibbles about accuracy) about the growing importance of forensics in law enforcement and intelligence work. We are rapidly approaching the point where using “cyber” as an adjective when ...
Neo-Con-INT, apparently: A report by columnist Sidney Blumenthal in Salon claims that Israel is receiving intelligence from the US's National Security Agency. Blumenthal claims to be in touch with "a national security official with direct knowledge of ...