A former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst has pleaded guilty to illegally holding classified documents and admitted in a plea agreement to passing "top secret" information to Chinese intelligence officials.
Ronald N. Montaperto, the former analyst who ...
Seven radical (black) Muslims arrested in Miami
Mid-2005 Population of black men between 20-39 in US prisons: ~ 500,000 (DOJ BJS)
In 2004, # Muslim men in just federal facilities ~9,000 (DOJ OIG)
% of Muslims in federal ...
That’s what we can call subsequent terrorist attacks. Don’t I mean intelligence failure? No, because by all accounts intel is doing everything it can to keep us safe without imposing the “papers please” environment fear-mongers ...
The mailbag fills up early today:
When are you neocons going to give up? 500 shells is not a WMD program! They are so old they probably wouldn't even work! Even your own president doesn't care!
Dude, ...
. . . on NK launch / no launch / shoot-down options at GroupIntel Forums:
Monograph really. Judge Posner's Remaking Domestic Intelligence. An excellent treatment of the subject. If it isn't on Charlie Allen's bookshelf it should be.
In a striking departure from the hush-hush culture of intelligence community IT, the CIO’s office for the Director of National Intelligence is running an open online forum about certification and accreditation issues, as well as ...
A perfectly good and entirely feasable idea via Bruce Schneier:
There are a variety of encryption technologies that allow you to analyze data without knowing details of the data:
I am reminded of the after-action meeting held ...
Did you see Bruce’s post this morning? So much for your profiling argument.
Which is what exactly?
Were we to continue the parlor game of listing terrorist attacks and linking them to race or religion I’m fairly ...
As part of an effort to break down barriers between intelligence agencies, [Intelligence Community] employees will be required to serve tours of duty outside their home offices to qualify for promotion into the government's senior ...