It’s gettin’ kinda hectic
Spooky86 sends out a Warning Report: From today's Financial Times comes word that North Korea may be planning a test-launch of its Tapeo Dong 2 (TD-2) missile from a test site along its northeastern coast. A ...
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Spooky86 sends out a Warning Report: From today's Financial Times comes word that North Korea may be planning a test-launch of its Tapeo Dong 2 (TD-2) missile from a test site along its northeastern coast. A ...
WaPo associated editor Robert Kaiser tries to justify the publication of secrets. The gem: Labeling something "classified" or important to "national security" does not make it so. The government overclassifies with abandon. And the definition of ...
Via Powerline: All that paper, all those hard drives, all those unanswered questions, so little time . . . What’s that you say? The war is over? This is just history? The war is approaching the 30-year ...
Real insecure: The Department of Homeland Security allowed a man to enter its headquarters last week using a fake Matricula Consular card as identification, despite federal rules that say the Mexican-issued card is not valid ID ...
A computer hacker got into the U.S. agency that guards the country's nuclear weapons stockpile and stole the personal records of at least 1,500 employees and contractors, a senior U.S. lawmaker said on Friday. The target ...
Military officials insist their case [in 2003] for attacking Zarqawi¹s operation [a terrorist camp in Iraq] was airtight, but the administration feared destroying the terrorist camp in Iraq could undercut its case for war against ...
[…] what the Americans had always lacked was someone from inside Mr. Zarqawi's network, Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, who would betray … According to a Pentagon official, the Americans finally got one. The official, who ...
A former FBI agent who once faced up to 15 years in federal prison for allegedly tipping off a family friend that he was suspected of spying for the Chinese pleaded guilty to a single ...
Actually, it was going on well before the late Mr. Z got into the game but that's OK; they're trying to pay attention and it is better late than never.
I never met a secret squirel (sic) that didn’t think the sky was falling. Can’t you enjoy the success? After long, hard, and expensive struggle we’ve managed to kill a man responsible for the deaths of ...