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Michael Tanji

Michael Tanji spent nearly 20 years in the US intelligence community. Trained in both SIGINT and HUMINT disciplines he has worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the National Reconnaissance Office. At various points in his career he served as an expert in information warfare, computer network operations, computer forensics, and indications and warning. A veteran of the US Army, Michael has served in both strategic and tactical assignments in the Pacific Theater, the Balkans, and the Middle East.

NSA Expose

Scary piece on NSA's supposed evils in USA Today this morning. Will have a more thorough treatment up later today, but in the mean time, allow me to do my bit for the environment and ...


Changing Strategies

Who here ever heard of DOCEX prior to the release of the West Point report? Prior to the IDA study? Prior to Steve Hayes writing about it throughout last year? That’s what I thought. You couldn’t ...


On Morale

I swear, if I read one more story about sinking morale in the CIA due to the “supremacy” of the DNI, I’m going to . . . blog some more! People I know on the inside ...


Cut the Bull Shitake

(H/T to Guy Kawasaki) Some refreshing comments from the business world on how not to do things. "Escape from Cubicle Nation" - doesn't get much better than that. Could be used in individual agency management, or ...


Higher Learning

Likely to be lost in the FLAILCON 2 environment surrounding the nomination of Gen Hayden for DCIA: U.S. intelligence czar John Negroponte this week announced the appointment of a new chancellor for the National Intelligence University. ...


What is in Store II

Prize-winner Dana Priest points out what some expect Hayden’s strategy to be: Former and current intelligence officers say Goss never had a strategic plan for improving spying on terrorist networks. [former DDO Stephen] Kappes, on the ...


What is in Store?

Most reports on intel reform over the last few days center on the perceived ills that face the CIA if a military man takes charge. I’ve already pointed out that the DCIA doesn’t report to ...


DCIA Selection: Some Clarity

I’m obliged for a number of unrelated reasons to like many of the people behind the voices that are coming out against Gen Hayden for DCIA. I’m obliged to like them, but I’m not obliged ...


Place your bets

Former colleague L.K. keeps her pimp-hand strong: I thought you were the one who hated pussy-footing around? Not making picks is “a nice way to never be wrong,” Mr. Make the Hard Calls. Yes, dear, you ...


Goss Departure

Not unexpected though I would have thought he had a few more months. He was never in it for the long term, so victory cries from the old guard are misplaced and premature. Contrary to ...
