Vaya Con Dios
DCIA Goss resigns this afternoon per various news outlets. Will wait for the flailing to settle down before weighing in. Sneak peek: Probably not the negative many think it is but also not the "victory" ...
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DCIA Goss resigns this afternoon per various news outlets. Will wait for the flailing to settle down before weighing in. Sneak peek: Probably not the negative many think it is but also not the "victory" ...
ABC News has obtained a document seized by U.S. and British Special Forces during a recent raid of an alleged Zarqawi safe house about 20 miles southwest of Baghdad in the town of Yusufiyah. This ...
You’re an Iraqi soldier under Saddam. A plain grunt. You get some rudimentary training, a well-used rifle, barely serviceable uniform and in the face of the world’s most powerful military are abandoned by your superiors ...
In grad school it was driven into our heads that your average juror was only going to have the equivalent of an eight-grade education and we had to consider that heavily when preparing testimony. Clever ...
Update: Really, really last chance . . . Before the sentence comes down hit the GroupIntel forums and help predict the fallout from the Moussaoui trial. Sign up if you are not already a member (use ...
Former DDI Gannon provides testimony to Congress about domestic intel issues. An important recommendation: […] if the FBI is to remain the agency of choice in developing a domestic intelligence capability, it will need much stronger ...
I learned of NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller’s WSJ letter on the radio this afternoon. Not to sound like a broken record, but I am left (almost) speechless that this is what passes for an ...
I, ah . . . heh heh, yeah . . . I don’t know what to say about this. Reads like yellow rag, but as many former colleagues like to say: “I don’t believe in ...
A very good report in USN&WR on how not to improve domestic intelligence. I will not quote extensively here because it deserves your full attention. The gist is that we’re pouring money down a black ...
As if on cue, the WaPo addresses the validity (or not) of the polygraph: The CIA, the FBI and other federal agencies are using polygraph machines more than ever to screen applicants and hunt for lawbreakers, ...