Taking the Politics out of Intelligence
(Note: An earlier version of this post ran back in February and it seems appropriate to re-run in light of recent events. I’ve fattened it up in a few places and retooled it lightly. A ...
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(Note: An earlier version of this post ran back in February and it seems appropriate to re-run in light of recent events. I’ve fattened it up in a few places and retooled it lightly. A ...
Able Danger blog points out an interesting development.
The Iraqi Perspectives Project report. A good read so far. Jump to page 183 for a nice eye-opener. 700 files out of at least 600,000 (assuming they mean just hardcopy). Sufficient to judge? Add in audio ...
Speaking of being gob-smacked, check out today’s WaPo editorial on the CIA leak case. If you can’t bear it, let me summarize: Leaking is bad unless they decide that it is ...
A good post at Secrecy News about changes in how intelligence officers are compensated. Perhaps it is because I can work like a fiend that I find the prospect of breaking free of the General ...
Someone besides a General in Omaha talking about operating in the 21st Century: The intelligence community can learn from the behavior of ant colonies to improve information sharing -- and it can use wikis and blogs, ...
U.S. intelligence tsar John Negroponte "is winning his battles" to boost information-sharing, a senior U.S. official said. Dale Meyerrose, the official in charge of information technology for the sprawling collection of U.S. agencies managed by Negroponte, ...
Much flailing about the last two days about Ms. McCarthy and her relationship (or not – ahem) with the press, whether the press has a right to do this or that, and how do we ...
Just days after U.S. troops were ordered to plug a security breach at their base here, the black market trade in computer memory drives containing military documents was thriving again Monday. I'm gobsmacked.
I'm reminded that my neighbor Vince Flynn does a fine job portraying in Term Limits the impact of what leaking can do and what a lot of more rash folks would like to do to ...