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Update: What The Most Recent Russian Submarine Incident May Mean For Business

On 1 July 2019, 14 Russian sailors died in a mysterious incident onboard a very special submarine that is designed to collect intelligence for Russia.

While the Russian press reported the deaths, few details were provided. It is known, however, that the submarine is a very unique one. It is designed to carry a crew of 25 to deep depths. It can be carried underneath larger subs that have been specially configured. Analysts speculate that is is part of a program that enables Russia to tap into fiber optic cables to exploit Internet traffic, as well as plant remotely triggered devices to cut cables when desired.

Which gets to the point for business decision-makers: All of us should be very aware that Russian actions in cyberspace are not just limited to hacking. They can attack via kinetic methods. And they are very serious about maintaining an ability to do so.

Stand by for more on this topic, OODA Analyst Tyler Robinson is preparing to release a new report diving deep into Russian Cyber Kinetic operations.

Till then, we would like to bring your attention to the following OODA special reports that can help you reduce risks of cyber attack while capturing opportunities:

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Tagged: Russia