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Cybersecurity Icon Phil Reitinger, CEO of the Global Cyber Alliance

Phil Reitinger has been been a pioneer in cutting edge concepts for reducing risks in cyberspace for years. He was a special assistant US Attorney in the late 1990’s, a time when high end nation state attacks were on the rise and the application of US law to help counter threats was in a nascent stage.

He helped move the Department of Justice to more vigorous action in cyberspace as Deputy Chief of the DoJ Computer Crime Section. He was appointed to lead the DoD Cyber Crime Center, one of the nation’s most highly regarded computer crime forensics organizations. He would later serve as an executive at Microsoft and then return to government service as a Deputy Undersecretary of Homeland Security as that organization was assuming new roles in defense of the nation’s cyberspace. He would later direct the security activities of Sony as SVP and CISO.

For the past four years Phil has been leading a non profit organization known as the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA). The GCA works on projects that seek to mitigate risks from the most prevalent cyber threats that individuals and businesses face. They develop and deploy practical, real-world solutions that measurably improve the security of our cyber ecosystem.

Topics discussed include: 

  • The challenges Phil faced at DHS, including the need to lead change across a broad stakeholder community.
  • The nature of the work at GCA
  • What executives need to know about DNS and DMARC
  • Ways people can get involved with the GCA
  • How the GCA moved into action as the world shifted to WFH
  • The future of cybersecurity

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