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Panel Description
In this session, geostrategist and author Thomas Barnett will provide a deep dive into the evolving geopolitical landscape based on his latest book, America’s New Map: Restoring Our Global Leadership in an Era of Climate Change and Demographic Collapse. Barnett will offer key insights into the shifting global dynamics and their implications for leaders in business, technology, politics, and national security, emphasizing the strategies needed to navigate this complex future.
Thomas Barnett, Principal Business Strategist – Throughline, Inc.; Partner Barnett Consulting
After 9/11, Thomas joined Cebrowski’s new Office of Force Transformation in the Office of the Secretary of Defense as his Assistant for Strategic Futures. In that capacity, he developed an influential brief on globalization and international security, which later morphed into a New York Times-bestselling book, The Pentagon’s New Map (2004). Thomas extended his “New Map” series with the volumes Blueprint for Action (2005) and Great Powers (2009).
The New York Times-bestselling author and nationally known public speaker has been profiled on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Barnett is in high demand within government circles as a forecaster of global conflict and an expert of globalization, as well as within corporate circles as a management consultant and conference presenter. A prime example is his TED Talk, which has received over 1.3 million online views.
An award-winning professor, Dr. Barnett has written for Esquire, Foreign Policy, Wired, National Review, and the Washington Post and has been interviewed by Rolling Stone, Economist, Time, BBC World Service, CNN, Fox News, NPR, and many foreign media. U.S. News & World Report’s Michael Barone has described Thomas as “one of the most important strategic thinkers of our time.”
He worked for years as a journalist, both as a Contributing Editor at Esquire and as the author of a nationally syndicated print column for Scripps Howards News Service. Barnett served as a visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and as a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Thomas was likewise a Visiting Strategist at China’s first-ever government-approved NGO on national defense and international security – the Knowfar Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies.
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