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Web 3.0 and its Cybersecurity Implications

In the early 2000s, Web 2.0 ushered in a new era of user-generated content with interactive websites and web applications. Data breaches, input validation attacks and social engineering defined the cybersecurity risk landscape of Web 2.0. With advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning accelerating at a breathtaking pace, the transition to Web 3.0 is on the horizon. But what exactly can you expect from this next version of the internet and what are some key Web 3.0 cybersecurity characteristics? The classic definition of Web 3.0 is a version of the internet in which all web data is machine-readable. Each web page has semantic metadata that describes to computers the meaning of the page’s elements. Through semantic metadata, the web operates as an enormous, connected database. Search queries leverage this machine readability to provide far more accurate and contextually aware search results. In Web 2.0, search engines base the results they serve to users on keywords found in web content without much understanding of context. A deeper understanding of every page on the internet allows for better information analysis and exchange. Think of a version of Alexa that uses all information on the internet to answer a question rather than simply rehashing the first paragraph from Wikipedia and you get an idea of Web 3.0’s potential.

Read more : Web 3.0 and its Cybersecurity Implications.