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A very readable piece on reform, arguing for more centralization wrt CT issues, in Foreign Policy:
Policymakers’ perceptions of intelligence also posed a problem. “There still is widespread misunderstanding of what intelligence is, how it is produced, and in what way it relates to and serves the action and policymaking people,” Smith wrote in his memo to Truman. “For example, many persons whose active participation in developing an effective post-war operation is essential are still thinking narrowly in terms of spies and intrigue, in terms of current developments and the latest news, or in terms, solely, of the development of new or special sources of information.”
That’s Jeffrey Smith & John Deutch writing about the issues that were raised while people were arguing about forming the CIA. Note that if you did a find-replace for Truman-Bush it applies equally well today.
Of course, John Deutch would be writing about breaking down barriers what with his penchant for working on classified materials on his home computer.
I’m sorry; the CISSP in me can’t help it. ;- )