The Constitution of Japan dates to 1947, when General MacArthur and his staff created a post-war “Peace Constitution” that prohibited offensive Japanese military actions. Constrained to a “self-defense force” focused solely on protecting the homeland, technologies ...
This OODA Network Expert interview is with John P. Sullivan, a career police officer and creator of the Terrorism Early Warning Group concept. He retired as a lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. ...
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is an exciting application of quantum technologies that has exploded in the past decade. QKD is used to share encryption keys across an established optical link or network. QKD can be ...
The Navy and Marine Corps recently released their long-awaited Unmanned Campaign Framework. This is a continuation of the drop-down documents spawned by the National Defense Strategy and meant to bolster the Naval Service’s commitment to ...
A new NIST program makes creative use of quantum technologies to deliver advanced measurement solutions to users in commerce, medicine, defense and academia. This delivery of measurement standards in a chip format is known as ...
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) currently uses an old system called the Modernized Intelligence Database (MIDB) to store and retrieve information on foreign intelligence – everything from Country order-of-battles (tanks, airplanes, etc.), infrastructures (runways, ports, ...
National cyber ranges are virtual environments that enable government organizations to test their cyber capability. It’s important to rehearse military operational plans and develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP’s) that can work in a ...
In January 2021, the Department of Navy released their Strategic Blueprint for a Blue Arctic. The document outlines their plan to prepare for an increasingly available and navigable Arctic Region. Signed by the Chief of ...
The Navy is keenly interested in what is over the horizon or under the surface of the ocean. Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) have filled a critical role since the 1960’s. Through sonobouys and onboard ...
The annual Surface Navy Association Symposium is where BIG NAVY gathers together to contemplate high level fleet issues with top leadership. Thanks to COVID (never thought I’d say that!) this year’s conference was virtually available ...