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To help members optimize opportunities and reduce risk, OODA hosts a monthly video call to discuss items of common interest to our membership. These highly collaborative sessions are always a great way for our members to meet and interact with each other while talking about topics like global risks, emerging technologies, cybersecurity, and current or future events impacting their organizations. We also use these sessions to help better focus our research and better understand member needs.
To encourage openness of discussion, these sessions take place with Chatham House rules, where participants are free to use the information in the meeting but are asked not to directly quote or identify other participants (we also keep privacy in mind when preparing summaries of these sessions, like the one that follows).
The June call was held on Friday, June 17th. The call began with an announcement by OODA CEO Matt Devost about OODAcon 2022 in the fall:
Society, technology, and institutions are confronting unprecedented change. The rapid acceleration of innovation, disruptive technologies and infrastructures, and new modes of network-enabled conflict require leaders to not only think outside the box but to think without the box.
The OODAcon conference series brings together the hackers, thinkers, strategists, disruptors, leaders, technologists, and creators with one foot in the future to discuss the most pressing issues of the day and provide insight into the ways technology is evolving. OODAcon is not just about understanding the future but developing the resiliency to thrive and survive in an age of disruption.
From the team at OODA that created the FedCyber conference. OODAcon is the next generation event for understanding the next generation of risks and opportunities.
OODA Network Members receive a 50% discount off ticket prices. Register here.
Tue, October 18, 2022
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM EDT
Hyatt Regency Tysons Corner Center
7901 Tysons One Place
Tysons, VA 22102
Topics for OODAcon 2022:
OODAcon will explore…
Tomorrowland: A Global Threat Brief
The Pandemic, Russian invasion of Ukraine, demographic inversions, and technological labor force disruption have combined to forever shift the global geostrategic environment. This session will examine the new world economy, seeking actionable insights for practitioners who need a deeper understanding of new realities. Impacts on individuals, investors, businesses, the military, and governments will be examined.
The Future of Money
Ten years ago, resilient cryptocurrencies did not exist, yet today the infrastructure to create them is available to anyone. The blockchain is often described as having the potential to be more disruptive than the Internet itself and the rules of finance are being re-written every day. This session takes you through the good, the bad, and the ugly of cryptocurrency and blockchain and highlights issues that will drive the next five years of blockchain. Are we in a period of Creative Destruction and what will emerge in the future?
The Future of Cyber Conflict
Twenty years ago, cybersecurity experts warned of attacks against power grids and planes falling from the sky. They predicted a future that has not manifested itself yet. Will it? Or will the future of war be a conflict waged for the hearts and minds of social media users? What about the future of conflict in the contested domain of space – not only regarding assets in orbit but space exploration and resource exploitation? What lessons will Russia use from its extensive use of cyber tools against Ukraine? What lessons should defenders learn?
Reality Hacking
Within a decade, early technology adopters will be able to define their own reality by not only escaping to fully immersive virtual worlds but rewriting the rules for how they interact with the real world through virtual augmentation. How are these technologies emerging over the coming decade and will they herald the ultimate evolution of Putnam’s Bowling Alone or result in the creation of international communities with greater affinity for their virtual world than the country within which their physical body resides?
Open the Pod Bay Door – Resetting the Clock on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is like a great basketball head-fake. We look towards AI but pass the ball to machine learning. BUT, that reality is quickly changing. This panel taps AI and machine learning experts to level-set our current capabilities in the field and define the roadmap over the next five years.
Swimming with Black Swans – Innovation in an Age of Rapid Disruption
If Yogi Berra were to evaluate today’s pace of global change, he might simply define it as “the more things change, the more they change”. Are we living in an exponential loop of global change or have we achieved escape velocity into a “to be defined” global future? Experts share their thoughts on leading through unprecedented change and how we position ourselves to maintain organizational resiliency while simultaneously reaping the benefits of new technologies and global realities.
All Your Secrets Belong to Us – Security in the Age of Quantum Computing
Several major corporations and governments are investing billions of dollars to create a quantum computing capability that will enable the modeling of physical reality and improve how we design, create and field new technologies. Quantum computing will also be capable of easily cracking many cryptography solutions. What are the implications for a world without secrets or will advances in quantum cryptography help us level-set against the threat?
Twenty Years of Cyber Threat Intelligence
Twenty years ago, the first cyber threat intelligence company was launched. What was once an obscure business idea based upon Presidential Decision Directive 63, has now developed into an essential component of cyber risk management. This panel of experts from the leading cyber-threat companies will explore what the industry got right and wrong and how cyber threat intelligence will evolve over the next decade.
The Future Hasn’t Arrived – Identifying the Next Generation of Technology Requirements.
In an age when the cyber and analytics markets are driving hundreds of billions of dollars in investments and solutions is there still room for innovation? This panel brings together executives and investors to identify what gaps exist in their solution stacks and to define what technologies hold the most promise for the future.
Digital Self Sovereignty in the Blockchain Era
You are big data. Every day the technology you own, use, and otherwise interact with (often unintentionally) collects rich data about every element of your daily life. This session provides a quick overview of how this data is collected, stored, and mined but then shifts direction to look at what technologies might empower users to better collect, access, and authorize the use of their own data through blockchain, digital autonomous corporations, and smart contracts.
After the announcement, a network member suggested Cyber Insurance as a topic for the conference as well.
A general discussion of the topic ensued with the following highlights:
“I think the numbers clearly state that we will move into a recession, but I think what’s important in the context of the ramp-up that we had because of COVID and the rally after the post-March crash. So I think there was a lot of momentum built into the system that maybe wasn’t justified. So on a longer-term basis, if we move into a recession, we need to account for that ramp-up. I think it remains to be seen as it relates to opportunity. I think it is it is important from a creative destruction perspective.
I think we are seeing that in the cryptocurrency and Web3 areas right now, there was so much flow of ideas and money and associated fraud – what we are seeing right now is the house burning down. It does not mean that we can’t rebuild some of those essential technologies on top of the foundation that exists, which is blockchain.
And maybe there are some of these cryptocurrencies in general (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Chainlink – which provides third-party Oracle services to other blockchains and smart contracts): I think the approaches are still viable, but we needed to kind of wash all the fluff out of the system. And every week we are seeing some sort of mass destruction of a major player in that space, whether it is a stable coin or whether it’s one of these blockchain facilitators or cross-chain facilitators. There’s just a tremendous amount of activity there.
I think in the tech space that plays out as well. It remains to be seen what the VC investment cycle looks like for a new company and existing company investments – from the period of last month through the next six months. But what we saw and what we experienced when there was the 2000 crash or right after the 2008 crash – what you see is the people have to refine their business models. The stuff that actually gets funded by VCs is a little bit more viable, a little bit saner, with operating and growth models that are a little bit saner. And as a result, I think there’s a higher probability for those businesses to be successful. So we may see the same thing coming out of this economic downturn if that is what we are in.”
The meeting transitioned to a broad discussion of Quantum: We need to understand the quantum computing market and quantum communications and quantum security because there’s some great capabilities out there, but there are also a few that are kind of Theranos-level frauds. We need to really scrutinize that segment of the market. Is there anything we could summarize when it comes to quantum?
The following site was then shared with the membership for discussion: Mergeflow | Quantum computing
Per a network member’s request at the end of the call, the URLs shared in the chat have been compiled here:
Use OODA Loop to improve your decision making in any competitive endeavor. Explore OODA Loop
The greatest determinant of your success will be the quality of your decisions. We examine frameworks for understanding and reducing risk while enabling opportunities. Topics include Black Swans, Gray Rhinos, Foresight, Strategy, Stratigames, Business Intelligence and Intelligent Enterprises. Leadership in the modern age is also a key topic in this domain. Explore Decision Intelligence
We track the rapidly changing world of technology with a focus on what leaders need to know to improve decision-making. The future of tech is being created now and we provide insights that enable optimized action based on the future of tech. We provide deep insights into Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, Security Technology, Space Technology. Explore Disruptive/Exponential Tech
Security and resiliency topics include geopolitical and cyber risk, cyber conflict, cyber diplomacy, cybersecurity, nation state conflict, non-nation state conflict, global health, international crime, supply chain and terrorism. Explore Security and Resiliency
The OODA community includes a broad group of decision-makers, analysts, entrepreneurs, government leaders and tech creators. Interact with and learn from your peers via online monthly meetings, OODA Salons, the OODAcast, in-person conferences and an online forum. For the most sensitive discussions interact with executive leaders via a closed Wickr channel. The community also has access to a member only video library. Explore The OODA Community